That morning, his companion called him into the room right before they were to leave. He told Jake that he wouldn't be going on with him to Mexico. He was going home instead. Jake expressed his sadness to be losing his companion, and he wished that Elder Mackey was feeling better about his mission. But, he went on alone.
We got a call at around 10 am from Texas! It was Elder Dansie calling from the Dallas airport. He sounded is good spirits. He was tired, and feeling sick from a bad head cold he's been fighting for a week. He was disappointed that his companion wasn't with him, and for the first time in 6 weeks he was ALONE. We were so happy to talk with him, and he said he would call when he got to Mexico City during his 3 hour layover there.
We didn't hear from him.
He told us that the Mexico City Airport was a crazy mess and that the phones didn't work. He got lost, and had to have 3 people escort him to his flight. He almost didn't make it. His carry on wouldn't fit in the Mexico airlines overhead compartment, and he said he was the dumb gringo struggling with his luggage that everyone was staring at.
He was picked up from the airport by 3 native, Spanish speaking elders. One of them introduced himself as Jake's companion. (He thinks that what he said anyway) They took him to meet the Mission President and wife and 19 other new missionaries for dinner. He said not one of them spoke any English.
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Pick up at the Airport |
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First dinner in Mexico! |
Needless to say it was a WORRISOME week for all who love Elder Dansie.
We were SO HAPPY to receive this email today!!
Hey every one!!!!! I'm just gonna send one big email so that it works cuz the email here is a little sketchy :P I hope everyone is doing well!!!!!! First i'll tell you a little bit about here then i'll answer your emails after :)
My companions name is Elder Beardsly! He's from St George and i'm so happy that I got an American as my trainer, it really has made me feel so much better. I'm learning Spanish better and faster everyday and he really is helping. He has 13 months out here in the mission and he said it goes by so fast.
The people down here are awesome!!! We got 12 baptismal acceptances this week!!! So, I hope they all go through!!!!!
Our house is this little tiny shack and it gets super hot! Everyone's house is kinda half open and half closed to the elements because its so hot and everyone has hammocks here and they're dang comfortable. The food is usually good except that its making e sick while I adjust to it. My stomach doesn't like it, but oh well. The people down here eat IGUANAS!!!!!!!!!! It's so freaking cool!!!! I haven't tried it yet but i'm stoked!!!
Here in my first area, Tapanatapec, its a little town in the middle of the jungle, but they have these things called moto taxis, little 3 wheeled scooter things that are so sketchy but fun to ride in!! For 7 pesos they'll take you any where in Tapana! (like 13 pesos equal a dollar right now.) Down here, even the rich people seem poor to us. I'ts basically like a 2 year camping trip!
And the bugs!!! There are some weird bugs here!!! They have the spiders that are in Harry Potter ( the ones that mad eye moody messes with!!!!!!) I'm serious!!! And they have 1/2 inch ants that are huge!!! and MEAN!!! and Bees the size of ping pong balls!!!! No exaggeration!!!!! I have pictures!!
Any way ;) what else, hmmmmm the regular stuff here is weird, all of our water is bottled because the public is bad for drinking, and the milk is gross, it's like in the box stuff and its nasty. But, other than that it's fun and i'm happy!!!!
The people here call us Guerros (white guy!) it's super funny, and we've already had run ins with 3 drunk people. Everyone gets drunk on the weekends. So, Saturdays and Sundays are interesting.
We have a little tiny house of prayer, and about 50 member come to church every week when we have about 300 total. We work with members a lo, and the inactive members. We actually don't tract any more, its time wasting and doesn't accomplish much. So, now we work with the members and inactive members for references and just contact people in the street. It works a lot better and we get things done!
These 2 years are going to fly by!!!! I love all of you very much and I cant wait to see you all again.
Love Elder Jacob Paul Dansie