Here is Monday's email. Enjoy :)
Hello all!
My radio interview will be Wednesday at 7pm your time don't change the time cuz its 8 here. The website is
Tell Hannah I want a new missionary man!!! This second one didn't have enough action and the name was totally misleading to how awesome it was going to be!!! The first is still the best, just like every series ;)
Tell her thank you!
I'm still healthy and used to the food now, so that's good :P
On Monday I got my haircut to a number one. I'm keeping it that way cuz its so much nicer with all this heat. We got a baptism commitment on Monday. Her name is Fatima. We will baptize her this Saturday the 21st. That is the same day as the All American breakfast.
We have been dropping investigators like crazy! If they aren't progressing or trying, then its not their time, and we need to find those whose time it is. My Mission President feels very strongly about that. On Tuesday I was at a member's house, and they wanted to show us a video on YouTube of temple endowment. Someone went into the temple and filmed it from a hidden camera and posted it on you tube it showed EVERYTHING.
It destroyed me. For two days I was sick, wondering who in the world would do such a thing, and why?? Then I finally realized (thanks to the scriptures) that if the church wasn't true, people wouldn't be trying to destroy it.
So, to that idiot, I say "You broke covenants, God doesn't like that, stop being dumb, or God is going to punish you." We also saw another video, with someone talking about Pres.Holland. They were trying to say he lied on film. He didn't. They were taking things out of context, and apparently there is an entire YouTube page that is devoted to bashing on the church. I can't believe this stuff!
Wednesday, we had our district meeting and we got two new Sister Missionaries, but they went to the next town over, Chauites. Our zone leaders are also in that town. Our District also got cut, so there's only two Companion-ships in our District. Fun. I hope that you all remembered 9/11 was Wednesday!! I did, and we sang the Star Spangled Banner for all of our appointments that day.
Thursday it started raining. Not just raining, it was a HUGE storm. It rained, non-stop, for 3 days straight. All throughout the night, all day long, non stop. The river here flooded over it's banks and widened the river banks by 100 yards! Yep, that's right, the river was about 125 yards across. The rushing water brought down a huge tree on top of the bridge, and it was nuts! EVERYTHING is wet! It sucked!!!!!!! But, today it's finally stopped, and i'm happy for it, because we've already walked about 8 miles in the rain today.
Friday was pretty slow because everyone was hiding out from the rain.
Saturday it rained some more!!! Walked 8 miles in the rain, and it sucked again!!
On Sunday the rain stopped in the afternoon, so that was good. We had church and a couple lessons, but not much else. We spent some time getting ready for our radio interview and our big American Breakfast.
I'm doing good here. I'm hanging int here through the trials and tough times, and I increase in my faith everyday. I love you all very much!!!
My Spanish is good. I'm still learning, but I can pretty much speak fluently! I only have problems with commands and preterit sometimes, but especially in subjunctive. It totally blows, but I am getting the hang of it!!!
The elders here get there packages from US mail, and they are done by weight. I'm pretty sure that that's the cheaper way. They said its the fastest way too.
You should read 1 Nephi 13 this week, and 14 as well. It talks about the Revolution, Christopher Columbus, the Indians and everything! It also speaks of the Restoration and everything needed for Joseph Smith to restore the Gospel to the earth.
Until this same time next week, know that I love you all VERY MUCH!
Para siempre dios este con vos, tengan fé en cristo y algo es posiblé,
nuestro padre celestial nos ama MUCHISIMO! y qiere eschucharnos, por esa reson tenemos oracion.
"God be with you till we meet again. If you all have faith in Christ and anything is possible. Our Heavenly Father loves us sooooooooooo much!!! and wants to hear from us. This is why we have prayer."
Love, Jake
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